Young Equestrians at Park Lane Stables in Teddington meet once a week for an hour of riding instruction and an hour long practical sessions covering a vast range of subjects such as the skeleton of the horse or feeding. Daisy feels the scheme is ideal for her, and is a great opportunity to make new friends and learn new skills, “I love Young Equestrians because the lessons are varied and tailored to what the riders wish to do.”

The group enjoy regular trips out which allow them to try riding in a variety of new settings. They have recently taken part in a beach ride, a mock hunt and a sponsored ride. For Issy, visiting new places is the best thing about Young Equestrians, “It’s great! We get load of chances to do new and interesting things. We have all made friends and enjoy going to different places.”

They have also joined forces with Young Equestrians from Moorwards Farm in Buckinghamshire to take part in a ‘Chase Me Charlie’ and Mounted Games competition, where new friends were made and lots of fun was had!