An ‘evening packed full of laughter’ was in order for teenage horse enthusiasts at Hill Farm Stables, Elmswell, Suffolk, who launched their Young Equestrians group; giving teens the opportunity to connect and re-engage with equestrian sport through a fun and informal hub.
Eight attended the inaugural session, kicking off with discussing their aims, setting goals and coming up with ideas for the future. The group then created eye-catching posters to help promote the scheme at Hill Farm’s Open Day.
Amber, aged 13, who took part in the session said:
“I am planning on making new horsey friends, learning new skills and overall having fun!”
Ellie, also 13, added “I want to have new experiences in the horse industry.” Fifteen year old Lauren enjoyed the ‘fun and relaxed evening on the yard’ with no pressure put on her to know everything.
The group plan to organise day trips, beginning with The National Stud at Newmarket which is right on their doorstep. They also intend to improve their coaching skills by teaching each other, learn new stable management skills, raise funds in a variety of imaginative ways and start their own magazine.

Group Leader Alice Cutter said:
“It was a fantastic evening with a delightful group of Young Equestrians keen to learn a lot and gain confidence by meeting new people, not just with horses.”
The next Young Equestrians session will see the group practice for a Show Jumping competition by building their own course and scoring each other.
Originally developed by Hoof, the British Equestrian Federation’s (BEF) participation programme, the Young Equestrians scheme is being delivered through The Pony Club and will target riding schools across England. Thanks to Sport England funding, Young Equestrians will provide participants with more choice and freedom in how they take part in equestrianism, as well as providing a focus on skill development.
Riding schools who deliver the programme will be given access to virtual tools to help them establish their Young Equestrians club that include example session plans, marketing materials and a host of different ideas on how to retain teenagers in equestrian sport.
If you are a riding school or young person and want more information on how to get involved in the programme please visit